Political Brainstorm No. 1

> 2020-10-15

Below is a loose, unordered collection of “radical”, but practically implementable, ideas for the U.S. political system. These have not been evaluated for completeness - this is a braindump. However, they may be expanded on individually in the future.


  1. Comprehensive Federal term limits: all Federal-level roles, including the Vice Presidency, the Senate, the House, and the Supreme Court, would be term-limited. Service could be potentially capped at eight years each.

Goal: reducing influence consolidation and office permanence.

  1. Non-elected public roles appointed by elected officials: all non-elected roles would be appointed at the discretion of an elected role - which elected officials would oversee which appointments would need to be established.

Goal: preventing non-elected roles becoming permanently held.

  1. Non-salaried elected office: elected individuals would finance their offices via a) self-funding through personal savings b) political campaign donations.

Goal: foster non-political experience and smaller staffs.

  1. Remove non-personal political donations: all donations would be made by individuals and all political expenditures would be directly made by the candidate’s campaign. PACs and similar operations would not be available.

Goal: close loopholes and reduce financial influence.

  1. Increase individual donation limit: raise the cap [1] on what voters may put towards individual candidate campaigns. Possibly balance this with placing limits on the number of campaigns that could be donated to. Identifying a non-arbitrary rule would be a central focus.

Goal: leveling financial dispartiy influence on elections.

  1. Remove Presidential executive orders: or significantly reduce the ability to immediately execute orders or decrease their functional scope. Finding a non-arbitrary constraint would be ideal.

Goal: reducing focus on and importance of executive office.

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